This is Boyce Tate. Today is December 17th, it’s sunny and 55
The woman caught doing 87 miles an hour on I-69 last Thursday morning is being charged with speeding. The M-P-D also says Rebecca Rednour was also in possession of fentanyl. The police say Rednour told them that she was running late to court.
The Hopkins County Fiscal Court goes into session this morning at 10 at the Government Center. The meeting will include the county attorney reporting on the nuisance property sale, and the clerk reporting on the amended annual budget.
Can a build up of grease cause a stove to smell like a gas leak? The Madisonville Fire Department would say the answer is yes. They just experienced it. They suggested that The Oaks at 1-40 Givens Street clean their stove well. They say the build up of grease and oils caused the stove to remain lit after being turned off.
In Kentucky, county clerks from across the state oversee the program to sell license plate birdhouses to fund the Hope For Veterans projects. This year, the Hopkins County Clerk’s Office presented another 12-thousand dollar check to the Western Kentucky Veterans Center in Hanson.
In Frankfort, our governor loves to talk about the state’s economy.
This is the final week for the collection of Christmas trees and wreaths at the Anne P. Baker Gallery at the Glema. Glitter, Glisten, and Glow will be on display from 10 to 4 with some extended hours this evening and on Thursday. Each of the trees and wreaths was decorated by members of local organizations.
The Salvation Army will have a Christmas community lunch today from 11 until 12:30. The Salvation Army is at 805 McCoy Avenue.
In Hopkins County, the annual report from the Patrick Rudd Project is in. So far this year, the Patrick Rudd Project has donated 40-thousand dollars in Everyday Heroes Mini Grants to first responder departments. The funds are intended to help bridge budget gaps for those who protect and serve our community. In its 10-year history, the Patrick Rudd Project has given nearly half a million dollars in grants and support to first responders, service members, and veterans.
In Madisonville, child abuse arrests are up. The police say the large number of arrests indicates that the community is doing its part because more adults are speaking up. Channel 44 is reporting that the M-P-D says if you know a child is in danger or have reason to believe something is not right, they suggest contacting law enforcement immediately.
Here’s an update on the rebuilding of Dawson Springs. The mayor says plans are underway to construct 88 moderate-cost multi-family units. Jenny Sewell says they will be on Industrial Park Road and U-S 62.
Dawson Springs has a tornado souvenir that it wishes it did not have. In the lobby of the police station is the American flag that was flying high in the city park 3 years ago, when the tornado hit. The national weather service says the wind speed in the park during the tornado was over 200. The flag barely survived, and had to be cut down.
From the C-Plant Federal Credit Union Newsroom, I’m Boyce Tate.