This is Boyce Tate. Today: Wind and Rain and 64.
In Madisonville, a driver who was slumped over the steering wheel in the Lowe’s parking lot on Sunday afternoon is facing four charges. Nicholas Thomas could not prove he had auto insurance. After failing the sobriety test, the officer discovered residue in a meth pipe and Thomas was arrested. He admitted that he had smoked it the night before.
Here’s an announcement from the Hopkins County Clerk’s Office. Since they cannot scan your phone, a paper copy of your insurance is required. They also are saying that wait times last week sometimes exceeded one hour in the motor vehicle department.
There’s a meeting of the Hopkins County Fiscal Court this morning. It begins at 10 at the Government Center at 56 North Main.
The Pennyrile Area Development District is congratulating Representative Jim Gooch, Junior. PADD says he has advocated for 12 projects that are bringing long-term benefits to residents and businesses that total more than 190-thousand dollars.
A preliminary report from Kentucky’s Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts shows that more foster homes and beds in state residential care facilities are needed. Shannon Moody with Kentucky Youth Advocates says when kids are either removed from the home due to safety reasons or are unable to stay in foster care or kinship care placement, social workers are left with few options.
Advocates say the state needs a clear plan to fund critical supports for kinship care outlined in last year’s Senate Bill 151.
From the C-Plant Federal Credit Union Newsroom, I’m Boyce Tate.
A Madisonville man is being charged with falsely reporting an incident. Darrell Stevens told the police there was a man with a gun on Couch Street who was threatening to kill someone. The police never found that man. They did discover that Stevens was under the influence of an intoxicating substance. When he arrived at the jail, Steven was found to be in possession of a crystalline rock thought to be meth.
In Frankfort, there’s a proposal to lower the driving age to 15. It comes from Representative Steven Rudy.
More than half of the adults in our state now have a college degree, certificate or industry certification. Experts say the state must expand its educated workforce to meet future demand. That was Aaron Thompson of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.
The transportation cabinet has some road projects this week. In Muhlenberg County, Kentucky 171 will see tree and brush cutting. Ditching work will be done on Kentucky 2270. Sign maintenance will be done county wide. In Webster County, a ditching project is underway on Kentucky 270 and mowing is being done on Kentucky 1835.
From the C-Plant Federal Credit Union Newsroom, I’m Boyce Tate.