This is Boyce Tate. Today: Sunny and 63.
The Madisonville driver who ran a red light in the presence of a police officer is facing four charges. The incident with Austin Vanimatre (Van MAY-tur) occurred on Thursday evening on North Main. In no time, the officer learned that Vanimatre was not wearing his seat belt, had a suspended driver’s license, and could not prove he had insurance.
A Muhlenberg County Sheriff’s Office drug trafficking investigation is over. The M-C-S-O and the Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force are are charging 29-year-old Angelica McGehee with trafficking meth, and some other drugs. McGeHee is now incarcerated. The case began a couple of weeks ago when a bag with pills, marijuana and 15 grams of meth were found in Drakesboro.
The governor is all for House Bill 4 and would like for it to become law. The Commonwealth Policy Center is disappointed with the controversial measure that implements policies that provide differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual’s religion, race, sex, color, or national origin. The C-P-C is calling on the state legislature to override Governor Beshear’s veto of H-B 4. The General Assembly Veto Override period begins on Thursday.
The Kentucky Oral Health Coalition says the dental health of the children in our state is below the national average. Jennifer Harrison says Expanding the program to Federally Qualified Health Centers could increase access to preventive dental care for more children.
Jennifer Harrison (Clip in Audio)
Public health hygienists are allowed to provide assessments, cleanings, education, fluoride varnish and sealants to mainly underserved populations.
An equipment violation observed by deputies of the Webster County Sheriff’s Office is what led to two arrests on drug charges. The arrest of Jacob Bates of Louisville and Kaylee Lewis of Reed-Kentucky was on Wednesday night in Sebree on U-S 41 North . During the traffic stop, a firearm was observed in the back seat and it was found that Bates was a convicted felon. Then, deputies located methamphetamine, marijuana, prescription controlled substances, and drug paraphernalia. Bates faces 7 charges, Lewis 3.
Webster County Emergency Management is announcing that the new Slaughters Warning Siren is now available. It’s installed and has passed the test.
The first statewide employer to join the Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s Education First Employer network is Goodwill Industries. It’s the intention of these 60 companies to offer tuition benefits, flexible scheduling, and competitive wages for employees pursuing higher education. KCTCS President Ryan Quarles believes that as our economy continues to grow, the partnership will allow the state to serve more Kentuckians, especially those experiencing barriers to employment, such as second-chance Kentuckians.
What could be the most popular art gallery event of the year is on display this month at the Glema Mahr Center for the Arts. The director of the center is Toby Roberts. He says about 500 pieces are the product of every Hopkins County school.
Toby Roberts (Clip in Audio)
From the C-Plant Federal Credit Union Newsroom, I’m Boyce Tate.